"The Chinese use two brush strokes to write the word 'crisis.' One brush stroke stands for danger; the other for opportunity. In a crisis, be aware of the danger - but recognize the opportunity."
—John F. Kennedy

Saturday, September 18, 2010

SSI Psych Eval

Wednesday was my psych evaluation for Social Security. It wasn't nearly as bad as I feared. There were two parts that took 1.5 hours together. First I was asked questions that were pretty much the same as one of the forms, with just more detail and follow-up questions—no big deal. The second were cognitive tests (verbal): i.q./critical thinking, recall, etc. I thought the second half was really fun actually I'm thinking that this has to be the last step in the determination process, so I'm nervously awaiting my letter. I really hope I don't have to through appeals—I need money to live on NOW, not three years from now, when I hopefully will be able to work again mad

(Sorry about the emoticon surplus—I just figured out how to insert them) cool

I'm still having more trouble with depression, although it's not quite as bad as it was. I've been super tired lately—even with the Provigil. But I forgot the Provigil one day and it was definitely worse! I'm also starting to have problems with my knees—I've got to start doing the bike again to strengthen the muscles around the knee. I think it has to do with the muscles not stabilizing the joint well enough, so they kind of twist and overextend when I walk, which of course makes them sore. My theory wink Of course, losing weight wouldn't hurt... But my philosophy at the moment is that life sucks enough—I'm NOT going to diet.

I went to the doctor again yesterday (I go every 2-4 weeks). I asked him for a referral to an ENT specialist. Back when I was still in speech therapy, I had trouble with nasality, because the soft palate was paralyzed (that's the VERY simplified version). My speech therapist said to give it a year, and, if it hadn't resolved, see an ENT. It's a lot better, but I still have trouble closing my nose from my mouth—trouble blowing my nose, liquid coming up my nose, choking when I lay on my back—my voice also goes really nasal, if I get emotional. My gp said the hard palate isn't working right either—I couldn't say "Ahh." I'm kind of excited to see a specialist because it would be so wonderful if he could help—the nasality thing has driven me nuts since I learned speaking. Apparently, it's also related to choking when I swallow—I would be so relieved if we could get rid of that!

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